Is Your Religion Worthless? (James 1)

Is Your Religion Worthless? (James 1)

Did you know that the New Testament book of James was not a letter from a Christian pastor, but a Messianic Jewish teacher? Did you know it wasn’t written to Christians who met in Baptist churches, but to Jewish believers in Yeshua (Jesus) who met in synagogues? And did you know the author’s name isn't James, but Jacob?

David Wilber begins a verse-by-verse study on the book of James. In this message you will learn about the half-brother of Yeshua who wrote the epistle of James and the historical background of this letter. In addition, multiple biblical themes are explored throughout chapter one of this amazing book in the Bible, such as: Steadfastness in suffering, overcoming doubt, and "pure, undefiled religion" vs. "worthless religion." We hope you’re blessed by this message.

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