In this video, we delve into the deeper meaning of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) and how it teaches us to find joy in the midst of the harsh realities of life. While we dwell in fragile, temporary shelters that symbolize our fleeting lives and inevitable mortality, we are still commanded to rejoice. But how do we embrace joy in a world filled with uncertainty, suffering, and loss? Join me as we explore how to experience joy in the present while also looking ahead to the hope of our permanent home.
Why and How to Celebrate Shavuot / Pentecost as Christians
Passover and the Gospel: Why and How to Celebrate Passover / Unleavened Bread as Christians
Deny Yourself and Follow Him | The Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah)
The Spirit Poured Out: How God Gives Us the Ability to Time Travel
How Sunday Replaced the Sabbath in Christianity
Matters of Opinion (Romans 14)
In Romans 14, Paul admonishes his readers not to pass judgment on one another over days and foods. Based on this chapter of Scripture, many believe Paul teaches that it doesn't matter whether or not believers observe the commanded holy days and dietary laws in the Torah. But is that really what Romans 14 teaches?
The Sabbath: A Day of Healing
Why Some Christians Keep the Sabbath
The Moedim: Shavuot
The Lord's Day Part 2: Sabbath and Sunday in History
As we learned in the first part of this teaching, the Bible does not support replacing Sabbath observance with Sunday observance. So, how did this change occur? How did we get to where we are now, with most Christians not keeping the Sabbath on the seventh day? This teaching will attempt to answer that question.
The Lord's Day Part 1: Sabbath and Sunday in Scripture
How to Celebrate Passover
One of the most important annual events on the Hebrew calendar is the Passover meal and the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread. This powerful biblical holiday commemorates the Exodus story—the deliverance of Israel from their slavery in ancient Egypt. For Christians, this story is a prophetic picture of our own deliverance from slavery to sin. How do we celebrate this amazing season?
How to Celebrate Purim
Why Hanukkah Matters
How to Celebrate Hanukkah
Hanukkah, also known as the Feast of Dedication or the Festival of Lights, is a holiday commemorating the rededication of the second Temple. It is a celebration of faith and uncompromising commitment to God’s Word as we remember the Maccabean revolt. How do we celebrate this amazing eight-day feast?