Is marital intimacy on the Sabbath a violation of the commandment to keep the seventh day holy? The Rabbis say no, but the author of the book of Jubilees says yes. Which view is more aligned with Scripture?
What Wes Huff Got RIGHT About the Sabbath on the Joe Rogan Experience
The Apostle James Understood the Gospel. Matt McMillen Does Not.
A Christian TikTok/Instagram influencer named Matt McMillen claims that the apostle James did not fully appreciate the Messiah’s work on the cross and did not understand the gospel. He bases this claim on James’s affirmation of the ongoing validity of the Law of Moses, which McMillen views as conflicting with the Gospel. In this video, I interact with McMillen's objections.
Keep Torah Better Than the Scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 5:20)
Jesus taught that the Law of Moses is not abolished (Matthew 5:17), that it will remain in force for as long as heaven and earth endure (Matthew 5:18), and that his followers must obey and teach it (Matthew 5:19). Now, in Matthew 5:20, he demands that his followers surpass the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees. But what does it mean to surpass their righteousness? In this video, we will explore this question in detail.
Developing Biblical Friendships | Pronomian Scholarship (Interview w/ Dr. Benjamin Szumskyj
Are our friendships important to God? How do we build deep, meaningful friendships rooted in faith and Scripture? I’m excited to explore these questions today with Dr. Benjamin Szumskyj. In his recent book, Dr. Szumskyj reflects on how we can cultivate godly friendships, drawing inspiration from the bond between David and Jonathan in Scripture. He also shares his perspective on Pronomian (pro-Law/Torah) theology, and his experience advocating for this this view within the academic world. I hope you’re blessed by the discussion.
I Did NOT Mischaracterize Dr. Averbeck's Views on the Law of Moses
Andrew Schumacher has accused me of mischaracterizing Dr. Richard Averbeck’s position on the Law of Moses during my interview with him. So, I decided to show some clips from the interview, which debunk Andrew's accusation. Furthermore, I reached out to Dr. Averbeck directly to ask him if he thought that I misrepresented him. In this video, I’ll show you what Dr. Averbeck said.
Andrew Schumacher Caught Lying About My Use of Scholarship
A YouTuber named Andrew Schumacher recently published a hit piece where he tries to discredit me for my use of scholarly resources, accusing me of appealing to scholars in a misleading way. This isn’t the kind of video I typically enjoy making, but I believe it’s important to address for the reasons I explain in the video. Here, I respond to Andrew’s claims point by point. I hope this will be helpful and encouraging to you!
How the Biblical Festivals Point to the Messiah (Interview w/ Jon Horton)
What are the biblical festivals, and how are they relevant to Christians today? How do holidays like Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles point to the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) and his work of redemption? My guest today is Jon Horton, a Messianic believer and podcaster who has been studying these festivals and their significance. I’m excited to have him with us to discuss this topic.
Do and Teach the Torah's Commandments (Matthew 5:19)
After declaring that he did not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets but to fulfill them, and that the whole Law of Moses will remain in effect as long as heaven and earth exist (Matthew 5:17-18), Jesus urges his followers to obey and teach the Torah’s commandments (Matthew 5:19). In this video, we will look at Matthew 5:19 and unpack Jesus's warning against disregarding the Torah's commandments and his call to be great in the kingdom by doing and teaching them. We will also address the claim that Jesus was not referring to the Torah's commandments in Matthew 5:19 and explore why the context contradicts that interpretation.
Understanding Hebrews: A Post-Supersessionist Approach (Interview w/ D. Thomas Lancaster)
Does the Epistle to the Hebrews teach supersessionism? Does the author suggest that the Messiah’s priesthood and sacrifice have replaced the Levitical Priesthood and animal sacrifices? Traditionally, many have argued yes, citing passages that mention a “change” in the law and that describe the first covenant as becoming obsolete. However, a growing number of scholars are challenging the supersessionist readings of those passages. My guest today, D. Thomas Lancaster, has recently authored a commentary arguing for a post-supersessionist approach to Hebrews. I’m excited to have him with us to explore this perspective on the Epistle to the Hebrews.
James, Paul, and the the Law of Moses in Acts 21:20-26 (Interview w/ Dr. G. Scott McKenzie)
Did the apostle Paul teach believers to abandon the Law of Moses? In Acts 21, we see a rumor circulating that he did, which prompts James to propose a plan for Paul to debunk this rumor and set the record straight. What does this passage reveal about Paul’s stance on the Law of Moses? My guest, Dr. G. Scott McKenzie, explores these questions in his recent book, “Walking Orderly, Keeping the Law.” In his book, Dr. McKenzie examines Acts 21 and critiques traditional antinomian interpretations that seek to deny its clear pronomian implications. I’m excited to have Dr. McKenzie with us to discuss his work, and I hope this interview blesses you.
The Old Testament Law for Christians (Interview w/ Dr. Richard Averbeck)
Is the Old Testament Law—the Torah—relevant to Christians today? My guest, Dr. Richard Averbeck, says that it is. In his recent book, The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church, Dr. Averbeck makes the case that the Law of Moses remains in effect for Christians today. I’m excited to have him with us to discuss his book.
Did Jesus Invalidate the Torah’s Food Laws in Mark 7:1-23? (Interview w/ Dr. Logan Williams)
Did Jesus abolish the distinction between permitted (clean) and prohibited (unclean) food in the Torah? Many say that he did based on his interaction with the Pharisees in Mark 7:1-23. However, Dr. Logan Williams challenges this antinomian reading of Mark 7:1-23 and offers a more plausible interpretation.
Sin Sacrifices: A Question That “Topples” Torah Observance?
Messianic Jews and other Pronomian (Pro-Law) Christians believe that the Law of Moses is a vital part of our faith practice. However, not everyone agrees with this perspective. One prominent critic of this theology claims to have devised a single yes or no question that “topples” what he calls "Torahism," by which he means the biblical doctrine that the Law of Moses remains in effect. In this video, we consider this question. (Spoiler alert: Messianic Jews and Pronomian Christians won't be chowing down on pork bacon anytime soon.)
Until Heaven & Earth Pass Away, the Law of Moses Will Stay (Matthew 5:18)
Did Jesus bring the Law of Moses to an end, or did he want his followers to obey it? As we learned in our previous video, Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 5:17 that he did not come to invalidate the Law’s authority but rather came to teach and demonstrate the correct way to obey it. This statement alone is sufficient to dismiss any claims that Jesus did away with the Law. But he doesn’t stop there. In Matthew 5:18, he goes on to declare that the whole Torah will remain as long as heaven and earth exist. In other words, it will not be going away any time soon. In this video, we will delve into the significance of Jesus’s statement that nothing will pass from the Law “until heaven and earth pass away” and “until all is accomplished.”
Pro-Torah Scholarship and First-Century Meal Customs (Interview w/ Caleb Hegg)
Join me as I sit down with Caleb Hegg from TorahResource to discuss the important work TorahResource is doing to offer solid, pro-Torah scholarship for the Body of Messiah. We also explore the fascinating world of Greco-Roman meal customs and how this historical context can bring new understanding to New Testament passages about communal meals in the early church.
Rabbi Tovia Singer is Wrong About Paul's Position on the Law of Moses
In a recent video, Rabbi Tovia Singer argues that Paul detested the Law of Moses and taught that Christians don’t need to keep it. However, Rabbi Singer’s objection relies on an outdated, antinomian reading of Paul, which does not accurately reflect the true Paul depicted in the Pauline epistles and Acts. In this video, we address Rabbi Singer’s claims and clarify Paul’s stance on the Law of Moses.
What it Means to Fulfill the Law of Moses (Matthew 5:17)
What did Jesus teach about the Law of Moses? Did he say that he came to bring it to an end, or did he want his followers to obey it? Matthew 5:17-20 is a key passage that speaks to this question. In this video, we focus on verse 17, where Jesus says, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” We explore what Jesus meant by the terms “abolish” and “fulfill.”
"Do Not Resist the Evildoer"? (Matthew 5:38-42)
How should believers respond when someone wrongs us? In Matthew 5:38-42, Yeshua offers a surprising answer to that question. He references the “eye for an eye” principle found in the Torah, and then proceeds to explain how he expects his followers to respond when they are slapped, sued, and mistreated.
How Jesus Fulfilled the Law of Moses (Matthew 5:17-20)
What did Jesus mean when he said that he came to "fulfill" the Law of Moses? How did Jesus expect his followers to relate to the commandments and surpass the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees? In this sermon, David Wilber explores Matthew 5:17-20 and Jesus’s explanation of his mission in relation to the Torah.