Is marital intimacy on the Sabbath a violation of the commandment to keep the seventh day holy? The Rabbis say no, but the author of the book of Jubilees says yes. Which view is more aligned with Scripture?
Sabbath-Keeping Baptists? Meet the Seventh Day Baptists (Interview w/ Nicholas J. Kersten)
It is widely acknowledged that the earliest Christians observed the seventh-day Sabbath in obedience to the Fourth Commandment. What is less often acknowledged is that there have always been Christian communities that continued to honor the seventh-day Sabbath throughout history. One such community is the Seventh Day Baptists, which emerged from the Protestant Reformation. I am excited to be speaking with Nicolas Kersten, the Director of Education and History for the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference, to learn more about this Sabbatarian Christian tradition.
What Wes Huff Got RIGHT About the Sabbath on the Joe Rogan Experience
Enslaved to Sabbaths and Festivals? (Galatians 4:8-11)
In Galatians 4:8-11, Paul rebukes the Galatians for observing “days and months and seasons and years.” But what exactly does Paul mean by this phrase? The standard antinomian view interprets this passage as Paul condemning the observance of the Sabbath and biblical holy days. However, in this video, we present reasons to question that interpretation and propose an alternative understanding.
Is the Torah for Gentiles, too?
How Christianity Went from Sabbath to Sunday
Does the Sabbath commandment apply to Christians? (A Response to Dr. Frank Turek)
The Sabbath is NOT a "Demonic Doctrine": Addressing Pastor Greg Locke's Antinomian Errors
Healed on the Sabbath
Is the Sabbath Commanded in the New Testament?
When Does the Sabbath Begin?
Is the Sabbath just a matter of personal preference? (Colossians 2:16; Romans 14:5)
Did God repeal the Sabbath in the New Testament? Responding to Pastor Bruce Mejia
The Sabbath and the Death Penalty
DEBATE: Are Christians Required to Keep the Sabbath?
How Sunday Replaced the Sabbath in Christianity
Matters of Opinion (Romans 14)
In Romans 14, Paul admonishes his readers not to pass judgment on one another over days and foods. Based on this chapter of Scripture, many believe Paul teaches that it doesn't matter whether or not believers observe the commanded holy days and dietary laws in the Torah. But is that really what Romans 14 teaches?